“Sometimes life hits you like a truck. Sometimes there’s an actual truck.”
- Elisa Hays
- Elisa Hays
This week’s episode is particularly exciting because I had the pleasure to sit down with the keynote speaker for the upcoming Magnificent You Women’s Conference, Elisa Hays.
One key point that I hope to highlight in every guest’s story is how they overcame whatever odds they were given. It is truly so easy to give up when life hands us a problem. It is the easiest thing in the word. It takes so much courage, devotion, and hard work to accept the hardships in our lives and begin the steps to succeed in spite of them. Someone who knows this struggle all too well is Elisa. On a regular day, just like any other, Elisa Hays’ life would forever change. Driving down a highway, Elisa would encounter a head on collision with a semi truck. She could have chosen to allow this to derail her completely. She could have allowed her new disability to make her a homebody who curses the hand she was dealt. She could have done all this but instead, Elisa chose a different path for herself. Her current journey is one of kindness, hope, and redemption. If you enjoyed this interview with Elisa, I highly recommend getting your tickets to the Magnificent You Women’s Conference to hear the rest of her story as well as her tips on becoming an inspirational leader. In this interview, Elisa Hays discusses:
Overcome the obstacles and become extraordinarily impactful in this episode of the Succeed Against the Odds podcast.
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