“ If you want to on your brain, if you want to take control, you can. But it’s not going to happen on it’s on. It’s the same thing with exercise. You can’t pretend to exercise and hope you get the results.
You have to do something about it.”
- Alyssa Dver
You have to do something about it.”
- Alyssa Dver
One of the most important things on the path to business, and personal, success is confidence. It seems simple enough and yet so many of us struggle every single day with an aspect of confidence. My guest this week, Alyssa Dver, is here to help with just that.
Interestingly enough, through helping her son with his neurological condition, Alyssa grew aware that it was time to leave her corporate career behind in order to pursue her endless love for neuroscience. She didn’t leave her new found interest in marketing far behind, however, as she now works to bring both marketing and neuroscience into her business. Alyssa Dver is here to help you gain the confidence you need to pursue the level of success you know you can achieve. Through helpful and useful neurological and mindset techniques, she can do wonders. Don’t miss it! In this interview, Alyssa Dver discusses:
Overcome the obstacles and gain kickass confidence in this episode of the Succeed Against the Odds podcast.
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