“You can’t change anyone else, you can only change yourself. and if you don’t know who you
are how can you expect anyone to get to know the real you.”
- Paula Quinsee
are how can you expect anyone to get to know the real you.”
- Paula Quinsee
It is quite strange that, although relationships are crucial to being human, we don’t focus a lot of our time and energy teaching how to be great at them. A lot of time, we get to adulthood knowing a lot about the world around us but not so much about what makes us a good partner or even how to look for one.
My guest this week, Paula Quinsee, is a relationship expert. She helps her clients not only learn tools to better their personal relationships, but also their workplace ones as well. On top of that, she focuses her techniques on perhaps the most important relationship, the one we have with ourselves. No matter what job you have, relationships are everywhere. If you lack in the proper tools and techniques to make relationships work, you probably aren’t going to live up to your full potential. I recommend taking a listen to Paula and seeing how she can help you. In this interview, Paula Quinsee discusses:
Overcome the obstacles and gain some relationship expertise in this episode of the Succeed Against the Odds podcast.
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